GrowWater: A Fusion of Design and Hydration

Pink Raccoon Brand Management Co. Ltd. Innovates with Award-Winning Water Bottle Design

In a world where design and functionality often intersect, Pink Raccoon Brand Management Co. Ltd. has created a unique water bottle design, GrowWater, that not only serves its purpose but also embodies a blend of Oriental philosophy and modern Chinese values. This design has been recognized with a Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2019.

GrowWater, a project that began in Beijing in February 2018 and was completed in May of the same year, is a testament to the mission of providing high-quality drinking water to the Chinese populace. The design draws inspiration from various elements, including the DNA spiral form, symbolizing the water of life, and the conical bottle shape, which is reminiscent of a trophy, adhering to the concept of the CP enterprise. The 6 cm grip, specifically designed for women, has been particularly well-received.

The uniqueness of GrowWater lies in its simplicity and naturalness. The bottle sticker design, inspired by the overall layout of the "One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains," symbolizes mountain springs and urban areas. The design also incorporates Mondriaan's modern style and geometric modeling of the logo extension in the CP Group, creating a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary elements.

The production process of GrowWater involves canning and heat shrinking. The PET tapered flask, without reinforcement, has effectively overcome the technical difficulties of mass high-speed production, making GrowWater more sense of design and quality. This achievement is a testament to the technical prowess of the Pink Raccoon Brand Management Co. Ltd. team, led by creative director Jinzhe Zhangzhanjie and designer Yangye Weisiyuan.

GrowWater is more than just a water bottle; it is a symbol of a healthy lifestyle and self-actualization. The design aims to not only quench people's thirst but also draw attention to healthy lifestyles. The design's color scheme, inspired by the natural water cycle, further emphasizes this connection with nature and health.

In conclusion, GrowWater is a perfect example of how design can go beyond aesthetics and functionality to convey deeper meanings and values. The award-winning design by Pink Raccoon Brand Management Co. Ltd. is a testament to the power of innovative design in everyday objects. As the world continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how design will continue to shape and enhance our daily lives.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ye Yang
Image Credits: Image #1: Designer Yangye, 2018.
Project Team Members: Designer: Yangye Weisiyuan Creative Director:Jinzhe Zhangzhanjie
Project Name: GrowWater
Project Client: Ye Yang

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